The Reality Gradient (Original Trilogy)

     The series begins in League City, Texas, in the year 2185. As mentioned, models were created to do the work that you or I don’t want to do. What we didn’t consider is that models wouldn’t want to do those jobs either. After his girlfriend is murdered by an HPM (Human Pride Movement) sympathizer, Ordell Bentley especially doesn’t want to return to his construction job or any other. In the turmoil of his recent loss, Ordell finds solace in the only connection to humanity he has left: his former girlfriend’s daughter, Harper, a college student whose personal history is intimately connected to the model community whether she wants to admit it or not. Fleeing for his life and freedom, Ordell and Harper work together to try to get Ordell to the great and free land of Canada, where models are considered full citizens upon entry. Will Ordell make it to Canada? Being pursued by an evil corporation, bounty hunters, and snipers, it’s not looking too good for him. The first award-winning novel in the series, Models and Citizens, answers this question while exploring what it means to be a second-class citizen in the nation of one’s birth and never truly being able to know who can be trusted…and who shouldn’t be.

The second book of the series, Bodhi Rising, follows a teenaged boy who’s faced with his own mortality. Suffering from a fatal, incurable disease, Bodhi is presented with two options: become one of the world’s first immortals or die before he’s even had a chance to live. The catch? To cross the threshold into immortality, Bodhi’s consciousness must be transferred into the mind of a model and he must take over the model’s body. To Bodhi, child of Harper Rawls from the first novel in the series, this present’s an ethical dilemma. He must decide whether his own life is worth more than that of another living being. However, for the world’s only other immortal, Christine Hamilton, the “ethical dilemma” is less a problem than a solution. It’s nothing to her to take the life of another when her own is in the balance. Guilt-ridden Bodhi and conscious-free Christine circle each other as the world’s first two immortals, connected by an unbreakable telepathic link as a side effect of the nascent consciousness transfer technology. First friends, then lovers, then enemies, Bodhi Rising is a tantalizing tale of betrayal, connection, and what it means to be human.

The two juggernauts fighting against time as Christine struggles to bring the Immortality Program to Emergent Biotechnology, which she has through dubious means risen up to control. Bodhi works to create a virtual world which he hopes to be the death knell to Christine’s Immortality Program, which uses models as consciousness hosts for wealthy humans striving to add to the ranks of the immortals. Meanwhile, a young woman named Lincoln searches for her mother’s killer in a small town called Lothania, completely unaware of the role she plays in bringing into existence something so frighteningly powerful that worlds both virtual and physical reel from its influence. The goddess is born in Libera:Goddess of Worlds, the third and final novel of the Reality Gradient Series, and a cross-over novel to the Virtual Wars hexology.